簡介:The summer of 1939, France and Provence, 14 year old boy Julian is infatuated with her cousin Julia, Julia and his family lived in a small hotel, unfo
簡介:By June 1942, the Japanese Navy has swept across the Pacific. In an effort to change the course of the war, a United States carrier group is positione
簡介:杰克(蘭迪·韋恩 Randy Wayne 飾)和羅杰(小羅伯特·拜利 Robert Bailey Jr. 飾)相識于同年時代,兩人是感情十分要好的好友,如今,就讀于同一所高中,他們的處境卻截然相反。杰克開朗帥氣,擁有眾多朋友,羅杰卻沉默寡言,處處受人排擠。無法忍受校園欺凌的羅杰最終選擇了結(jié)束自己的生